
Armature helps you create a skeleton-style 3D object, and then converts the design into 3D-printable components for each joint. You then connect the joints with rods to complete the object.

It uses a simple touch-based interface to create, move and join the rods and connectors.

Base Plane
Each rod in the design is created by touching the base plane and dragging up.

The purpose of Armature is to produce STL files which can be printed on any 3D printer. It does this by transforming the model design into a collection of OpenSCAD models, one for each joint, which can then be exported to STL.

Currently, the way this is done is by mailing the OpenSCAD model file as an attachment to us here at Armature HQ. We can then load that model using our proprietary shape library and export it to STL, which we will email back to you.

This process will be free for the foreseeable future; any changes will be signalled well in advance.

You retain all copyrights to your models and we won't store, distribute, publish, etc any of your content without your permission. You have to trust us on this, but hey, this is our free software you're using.


OpenSCAD is the The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller. If you tend to prefer refining a program and re-running it until it works as opposed to dragging points around a design and wondering why these 2 points WON'T. JUST. SNAP. TOGETHER., then I heartily recommend it. It does tend to lend itself more to geometric shapes than abstract or organic forms.

Open the OpenSCAD home page.


All saving in Armature is automatic. When you first open the app, or after you've cleared a model, you're working in the default model (which is also saved automatically). Think of the default model as a model called New that you aren't allowed to overwrite.

If you're working in the default model and you clear the model or open a previous model, Armature will ask you whether the contents of the default Model should be saved. If you do save the model, any future changes to the model are automatically saved.

If you discard changes to the default model, those changes are gone forever.

Previous models are loaded using the History button; you can also remove models here by long-pressing on the model name.


Think of Branching as a permanent historical record of changes you've made to your model. Any state that the model has been in can be revisited using the Branch tool; all you need to know is the actions you've taken since that state, and then undo those actions.

Official Scary Warning

This is free, beta software. All care has been taken but no responsibility is taken for the loss of your precious models due to errors in the software. Backup early and often (although there's no facility for restoring backups at this stage...)

I don't have much experience writing mobile-friendly web pages, so I don't know why omitting this paragraph makes the rest of the text tiny. But here we are.

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